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About OxEcology

OxEcology was founded by Adam Bows to provide bespoke ecological services in the Oxford area, focussing on practical habitat restoration and creation, tree works, ecological surveys and wildlife gardening advice


Following a career change from Sustainable Transport and many years volunteering for BBOWT, Adam gained a distinction in MSc Conservation Ecology at Oxford Brookes in 2021. Adam works for the Freshwater Habitats Trust, running OxEcology as a separate small business. Adam is passionate about reversing the decline of nature, and has a particular specialism in Oxford's rare Alkaline fens.


Adam is fully qualified and insured in tree works (felling up to 34cm diameter, cross-cutting, pollarding and coppicing). His  knowledge of the local ecology, geology, hydrology, soil and climate enables OxEcology to deliver quality services and advice tailored to best support the flora, fauna and fungi in our area to thrive.

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